Spread Kindfulness:10 Minute Guided meditation

Be Kind To Your Mind

Take 10 to try this guided Kindfuness meditation. It's the secret of the world's happiest man and backed by neuroscience; brain scans show that the areas of the brain associated with positive emotions get thicker & stronger the more we practice.

We also get a hit of dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin, the brains feel-good chemicals, and if that wasn't enough, research from Harvard shows it can actually slow down the aging process, right down to the DNA in our cells.

In tough times and when I am being tough on myself, this is the tool in the mindfulness-toolbox I always turn to, to get back to my Good Place. 

Right now the world really needs more empathy, gratitude, kindness, and compassion.

Iā€™d love to hear your comments on how you go, and please pay it forward and share with anyone you think could use some kindfulness right now.

With gratitude and a whole lotta love,

Ray :)