3 reasons why 2020 is the year to finally kick start your Mindfulness Meditation practice.

There's a reason that many of the world's top performers from CEOs to elite athletes to celebrities have a mindfulness practice & it's not because they have tons of free time, they’re meditating because they know they’ll be less stressed, they’ll make better decisions, be more productive and efficient and reach their goals faster. They also recognize that investing 2% of their day in their mental fitness, resilience & performance is a good R.O.I, 

1 ) You build resilience.

Neuroscience shows that when we practice mindfulness meditation we build our prefrontal cortex the c.e.o part of the brain, with a stronger p.f.c means we can regulate the amygdala, the fear center, flight or fight response so when we flip our lid or get triggered and stressed we can recover faster & get back to baseline quicker & are less reactive, these are the attributes of what we call resilience, the ability to recover from difficulty & adapt.

2 ) It only takes 10 minutes a day to rewire your brain.

Research from Harvard shows that just 10m of daily mindfulness meditation builds the hippocampus the area of the brain responsible for memory, learning, empathy & compassion, while the Amygdala shrinks.  

3 ) Better sleep.

Mindfulness helps us to deal with overthinking and worrying both obstacles to a good night's sleep, mindfulness helps us step back & deal with them at an appropriate time, not 3 am. Also, meditation can help us fall back to sleep, here's a simple hack next time you wake up in the middle of the night, sit up in bed and try meditating for 10 to 20 minutes, best case you meditate and fall back to sleep, worst case you rest and conserving energy, look at it as an opportunity, as the Dala Lama says 3 am is the best time to practice mindfulness meditation :) 

If you would like to find your Good Place in 2020, we have bespoke 1 on 1 coaching packages in person or via zoom tailored to your needs, get in touch :)

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